
Téma:Household Intelligent Assistant
Vedoucí:Ing. Jan Šedivý CSc.
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Build a dialog system for a living room or office that will
continuously listen for an activation keyword and be able to answer
ad hoc questions. Just a simple, limited domain like weather questions
using keyword matching and existing APIs is fine ("hey, system! what's
the temperature outside?"). The system should be fully voice-based
(let's start by using the Google Speech API) and require no setup.
Initial prototype can run on a notebook, but the final system should
be a "black box appliance" like Raspberry Pi or Edison.
Pokyny:The system will be developed as open source. Followup work as
student projects or theses is possible and desirable.
Literatura:We will supply literature during the first meeting with students.
Realizace:software project
Vypsáno dne:18.02.2016
Max. počet studentů:6
Přihlášení studenti:Jakub Drápela, Jakub Konrád, Jiří Burant, Martin Klučka, Pavel Trutman, Petr Kovář