
Téma:Automatic email reply generation
Vedoucí:Jan Sedivy; Garant:
Vypsáno jako:Diplomová práce,Bakalářská práce,Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:In this project, we want to research methods for automatic generation of short responses to email or social networks messages. Specifically, on a cell phone, it can be a great advantage to select from a set of semantically diverse replies. We want first cover short messages of few words. The initial steps will include a review of LSTM and GRU neural networks architectures and a meaningful training set construction.
Pokyny:Select a source of messages social media or email and collect a training set.
Review and select recurrent Neural Network for reply generation.
Train an NN model.
Provide a language model for simple and semantically diverse replies.
Write a simple application for the purpose of testing.
Vypsáno dne:15.02.2017
Max. počet studentů:0
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