
Téma:Advanced Flight Instrument System for UL39
Vedoucí:Pavel Pačes
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:The project deals with construction of flight visualisation and instrument cluster system for airplanes. The project is intended for application onboard of the UL39 airplane, ultralight airplanes and flight simulators. Some details can be found at and the project can be scaled according to the size student group and knowledge of students. Currently we plan to prepare a flight model of the device – it means creation of the proper HW and SW. The projects gives opportunity to work on electronics circuit design, or embedded SW, or OS scripting, or OpenGL programming, or Web programming, or …
Pokyny:Currently we plan to prepare a flight model of the device – it means creation of the proper HW and SW. The projects gives opportunity to work on electronics circuit design, or embedded SW, or OS scripting, or OpenGL programming, or Web programming, or …
Literatura:It will be provided on request. Look on the project page.
Realizace:SW, or design, or HW tests, or ...
Vypsáno dne:20.02.2017
Max. počet studentů:6
Přihlášení studenti:

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