
Téma:Acoustic Signal Detection and Processing
Vedoucí:Jakub Svatoš
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Study and implement detection algorithms for detection of acoustic pulse signals. Verify implemented algorithms on real data and compare all implemented algorithms by means of detection success rate. Created program in Matlab software will include GUI. Furthermore, study and implement classification algorithm to classify different caliber type.
Pokyny:* Study possible detection algorithms for detection of acoustic pulse signals
* Implement and verify these algorithms on real data in Matlab software (including GUI)
* Compare and determine success rate of all implemented algorithms
* Classify different types of acoustic signals
Literatura:* Sensor Fusion, Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration in Shooter Localization Systems, Akman, C., at al., Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Volume 271, 2018, Pages 66-75. * Evaluation of Gunshot Detection Algorithms, Chacón-Rodríguez, A., at al., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, vol. 58, No. 2, 2011
Realizace:code in Matlab
Vypsáno dne:05.02.2018
Max. počet studentů:3
Přihlášení studenti:

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