
Téma:Optimal MRI acquisition times for brain tissue segmentation from signal relaxation curve
Vedoucí:Jan Petr; Garant: prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Kybic
Vypsáno jako:Diplomová práce,Bakalářská práce,Individuální projekt
Popis:In MRI, The T1 relaxation time of brain tissue can be measured separately in each voxel from the signal recovery after saturation measured at multiple times. This information can be used to provide brain segmentation with good accuracy without using any prior knowledge about brain topology. What has not been studied yet is the optimal settings of the acquisition
times. The influence of more dense sampling and/or presence of noise in the data on the accuracy and systematic error of the segmentation needs to be evaluated. The obtained segmentation will be used for correcting partial volume effect in perfusion MRI measurement.
The real data will be provided by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf.

The student should learn the basic principles of MR imaging and study the algorithm for
brain segmentation from T1 signal recovery, design a simulated experiment and analyze the influence of noise and sampling pattern on accuracy and systematic errors in the segmentation, test the ideal sampling pattern on real data, and optionally demonstrate improvement of the ideal sampling on perfusion MRI.
Vypsáno dne:13.05.2019