
Téma:Fast sparse hierarchical B-spline interpolation
Vedoucí:prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Kybic
Vypsáno jako:Diplomová práce,Bakalářská práce,Individuální projekt,Dobrovolná odborná práce,Semestrální projekt
Popis:The task of interpolation from a sparse set of points is usually approached by using kriging, i.e. radial basis functions, or a uniform grid of basis functions such as B-splines. To get the best of both worlds, we will attempt to use a sparse set of B-splines are various scales. The non-zero B-splines to be used should be determined automatically. The task is to develop an efficient algorithm for calculating the spline coefficients and to compare this method with alternatives.
Realizace:sw projekt
Vypsáno dne:13.05.2019