
Téma:Automatic calibration of the base of an industrial robot
Vedoucí:Pavel Burget
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Modern robotic applications usually interact with the environment more freely and are not based on fixed robotic programs as it used to be in the past. The free interaction is required due to the flexibility of the operations such as utilization of various tools, manipulation with different objects etc. To accomplish this, the robot must be equipped with a camera that allows automatic calibration of the base of the robot tool as well as of the base of the robot itself.
Pokyny:1. Design the workplace and the positioning of the cameras.
2. Perform a calibration of the robot tool (get TCP - tool centre point) with a fixed camera.
3. Perform a calibration of the robot base with a camera placed at the tool.
4. Integrate the cameras and the robot controller. Design the SW architecture of the whole system and implement the application at the server to be able to perform automatic calibration of the robot any time on request.
5. Compare the result with the measurement using a professional laser tracker.
Vypsáno dne:13.02.2019
Max. počet studentů:4
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