
Téma:Utilization of a KUKA robot in collaborative mode
Vedoucí:Pavel Burget
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Use the KUKA LBR iiwa robot in Testbed for Industry 4.0 in CIIRC to design and implement a demonstration application that performs assembly operation in collaboration with a human operator.
Pokyny:1. Use the existing workplace, which contains the robot and a workstation at the conveyor.
2. Expect the following scenario: The raw material is conveyed by the conveyor shuttle to the workstation. The robots takes the parts from the conveyor shuttle and uses them to build a required construction. The material may be supplied continuously or on demand.
3. Design the construction and the material it will be build from. It should also be possible to disassemble the construction and put the raw material back on the conveyor shuttle.
4. Implement the application in Testbed and make it ready for demonstration.
Realizace:Code for LBR iiwa in Java.
Vypsáno dne:13.02.2019
Max. počet studentů:3
Přihlášení studenti:

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