
Téma:Visual Localization with HoloLens
Vedoucí:doc. Ing. Tomáš Pajdla Ph.D.
Vypsáno jako:Diplomová práce,Bakalářská práce
Oponent:RNDr. Zuzana Kukelova, Ph.D.
Popis:Visual scene recognition and image based localization is an important problem in computer vision and machine learning. We will develop it for HoloLens (
Pokyny:Review the state of the art in image based localization . Get acquainted with HoloLens technology. Suggest and implement an image based localization method for HoloLens.
Literatura:Literature will be provided by the supervisor.
Realizace:Code in Matlab and C++
Vypsáno dne:10.05.2019