Seznam |
Téma: | Sensor Fusion for Fully Actuated Outdoor UAVs |
Katedra: | Katedra kybernetiky |
Vedoucí: | Nicolas Staub, Ph.D. |
Vypsáno jako: | Diplomová práce, Bakalářská práce, Semestrální projekt |
Popis: | In the past couple of years the community interest for fully actuated aerial vehicle grew steadily, fostered by projects focused on aerial physical interactions. Nowadays only a handful of labs have working prototypes, mostly indoor. The goal of this work is to participate to the development a fully actuated prototype able to flight outdoor. In particular, a focus will be given to the estimation of external wrench e.g. to retrieve wind estimate. The development tasks of the prototype will be mostly software oriented (from driver to high-level controller) but can contain mechatronic activities. The work will involve both simulation and outdoor experiments to validate the proposed solutions. Fields of Interest: control theory and estimation techniques, filtering techniques, C/C++, Python, ROS, hands on experience preferred |