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Evgenii Razinkov presents Large-scale fine-grained recognition for Street-to-Shop

On 2018-10-18 11:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
Large-scale fine-grained recognition for Street-to-Shop

Evgenii Razinkov, Natalia Sadchikova, Firuza Shigapova

In the talk, an application for recognition of clothing items (to be ordered in
a "shop") in photos acquired in unconstrained conditions ("the street") will be
presented. The problem formulation includes categorization, image retrieval and
attribute prediction.

A solution using the Wide Resnet will be presented. The learning task is
challenging due to noisy training data, large number of products and image
content ambiguities. Weakly supervised object detection and localisation will
also be discussed.

Responsible person: Petr Pošík