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Miroslav Hekrdla presents Machine Learning Based Radar Signal Classification in Passive Surveillance Systems

On 2019-03-14 15:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
Electronic Support systems obtain valuable information about
an intercepted radar emitter through the analysis of its radio signal.
The pulse parameters which are significant for pulsed radar recognition
are analyzed such as Pulse Repetition Intervals (PRIs) which is the
signal of Time Of Arrival (TOA) differences. PRI signal is intentionally
agile and undergoes a complex distortion which makes its analysis a
non-trivial task. The seminar will briefly introduce the general task of
electronic support systems and it will later focus on the analysis of
PRI signals considering a potential application of machine learning in the
automatic classification process.
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Responsible person: Petr Pošík