
Member of:
Lidi s celokatederní působností
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2008 MSc.(Ing.) in Technical Cybernetics at Czech Technical University in Prague.
- 2012 -
V. Jirkovsky, P. Kadera and P. Vrba. Semantics for Self-configurable Distributed Diagnostics. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), Kraków, Poland, September 2012.

P. Vrba, V. Marik and P. Kadera. MAST: From a Toy to Real-Life Manufacturing Control. 13th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel & Distributed Computing (SNPD), Kyoto, Japan, August 2012.

P. Tichy, P. Kadera, R. J. Staron, P. Vrba and V. Marik. Multi-agent system design and integration via agent development environment. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 25, issue 4, pp. 846-852. June 2012.

V. Jirkovsky, P. Kadera, M. Obitko and P. Vrba, "Diagnostics of Distributed Intelligent Control Systems: Reasoning Using Ontologies and Hidden Markov Models", INCOM 2012

W. Lepuschitz, V. Jirkovsky, P. Kadera and P. Vrba, "A Multi-Layer Approach for Failure Detection in a Manufacturing System based on Automation Agents", ITNG 2012

- 2011 -
M. Obitko, P. Vrba, P. Kadera and V. Jirkovsky. Visualization of ontologies in multi-agent industrial systems. Presented at Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2011 IEEE 16th Conference on, 2011.

P. Vrba, P. Tichy, V. Marik, K. H. Hall, R. J. Staron, F. P. Maturana and P. Kadera. Rockwell automation's holonic and multiagent control systems compendium. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on 41(1), pp. 14-30. 2011.

Vrba P., Kadera P., Jirkovsky V., Obitko M. and Marik V. New Trends of Visualization in Smart Production Control Systems, HOLONIC AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6867/2011, 72-83, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23181-0_7, 2011.

- 2010 -
Obitko, M., Vrba, P., Marik, V., Radakovic, M., Kadera, P., Applications of Semantics in Agent-Based Manufacturing Systems. Accepted by Informatica – An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 2010.

Tichy, P., Kadera, P., Staron, R.J., Vrba, P., Marik, V., Agent Development Environment for Multi-agent System Design and Integration, in Proceedings of 10th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, IMS 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.

- 2009 -
P. Kadera and P. Tichy. Plan, commit, execute protocol in multi-agent systems. Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing, Proceedings 5696pp. 155-164. 2009.

Kadera, P., Tichy, P., Chilled Water System Control, Simulation, and Visualization Using Java Multi-agent System, in Proceedings of 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2009, Moscow, Russia, pp. 1799-1804, 2009.

- 2008 -
Vrba, P., Hall, K.H., Kadera, P., Marik, V., Obitko, M., Radakovic, M., Patent: Architecture for Ontology-Based Distributed Industrial Control System. Docket No.: 08AB075, 2008

Responsible person: Kristina Lukešová