
Lidi s celokatederní působností
Současná pozice:
External teacher
Současné projekty:
Project "Application of Symbolic World Models in Robotics" granted by FRVS No.798/1999
Project "Methods of Robust Sensor Data Processing for Intelligent Robotics", Internal grant FEE CTU No. 3034/9d/A 1999.
Industrial project "Methods, Tools and Prototypes for SW Testing in Rairoad Signaling Systems" granted by the Railway Transportation Automation Prague Ltd., 1998 (still in progress)

Basic courses in AI (Cybernetics and AI, Itroduction to AI) (see link)
Event Representation Systems (see link)
Reliability and Total Quality Management (see link)
Ing. (equiv. MSc.) in Technical Cybernetics at Czech Technical University in 1985
CSc. (equiv. Ph.D.) in Technical Cybernetics at Czech Technical University in 1993
Marik V., Preucil L.: Data Fusion and Software Integration in Robotics, in Proc. of the International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics, ISMCR'98, June 8-12, 1998, p. 47-58, ISBN 80-01-01814-8
Preucil L., Stepan P., Kulich M., Kral L.: An Intelligent Vehicle for Indoor Environments, in: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, October 28-30, Stuttgart, Germany, 1998, Vol.2, p.557-652
Stepan P., Kral L., Kulich M., Preucil L: Open Control Architecture for a Mobile Robot, in: Proc. of the 14th World Congress of IFAC, Beinjing, July 5-9, 1999, p. 163-168, ISBN 0-08-042755 3

Za obsah zodpovídá: Kristina Lukešová