Daniel Novák presents Recent papers of the AID group

On 2017-12-11 - 2017-12-11 14:00:00 at E112, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
The aim of this seminar is to present recent papers of the AID group members to
the rest of the department. All papers are focused on biomedical data, signal
and image processing and machine learning. Each paper will be presented in a
structured manner:

1 - Scope and main hypothesis of the paper
2 - Technical details about the solution (+ role of the AID member in the team)
3 - Main results and contribution to the state of the art

Each paper’s presentation will take 10 mins, discussion 5 mins.

The presented paper and seminar's schedule is available here:

Responsible person: Petr Pošík