List |
Topic: | Vizualizace a zpracování dat uživatelů závislých na nikotinu |
Department: | Analýza a interpretace biomedicínských dat |
Supervisor: | doc. Ing. Daniel Novák, Ph.D. |
Announce as: | Diplomová práce, Bakalářská práce, Semestrální projekt |
Description: | Given the spread of mobile technology use which is reflected by the lived experiences of people in their natural environments, it should be possible to leverage it to develop precise and personalized disease phenotypes and markers to diagnose, monitor, and treat illnesses
1) Familiarize yourself with the issue of phenotype analysis and personalized medicine. Focus on the techniques recently emerged, among others topological data analysis , temporal multivariate longitudinal data clustering or latent variable models or semi-supervised deep clustering. 2) Perform exploratory analysis and apply methods for data visualization. 3) Compute digital phenotypes of patients applying advanced clustering methods. 4) Perform evaluation using measures as mutual information, rand index, Calinski-Harabasz or Davies-Bouldin score DATA: The data were gathered from the smartphone based on patients input (questionnaires and input during therapy). No biomarkers or any additional biochemical information are at disposal. |
Bibliography: | 1. Torous, Kiang MV, Lorme J, Onnela JP. JMIR Ment Health. 2016;3(2)
2. Onnela JP, Rauch SL. H Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(7):1691-6. 2016 3. Benoit J, - 3.Onyeaka H, Keshavan M, Torous J. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2020 |