
Téma:Evaluation of state-of-the-art registration techniques for fitting models to 3D point clouds
Vedoucí:prof. Ing. Jiří Matas Dr.
Vypsáno jako:Diplomová práce,Bakalářská práce
Popis:The most commonly used plastic molding process, injection molding, is used to create a large variety of products like wire spools, packaging, automotive dashboards etc. with different shapes and sizes.Particularly for automotive industry the quality requirements are very high, so that an automated inspection of geometric properties is desirable.

There are special challenges for injecting molding parts due to the temperature depending shrinkage or regions of occlusions. The point cloud in the figure is captured by laser triangulation and a multi-camera system.

The task is to study and evaluate state-of-the-art registration methods in this application context.

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Pokyny:The thesis is connected to a particular application developed at SCCS Hagenberg, and the student will be supported by 200 euros per month. A couple of visits (covered by SCCS) to Hagenberg are expected. Spending a couple of weeks in the summer working on the problem (as a paid summer job) in Hagenberg is desirable, but not a must. Hagenberg is close to the border with CR and is reachable by train Prague-Linz
Realizace:software, development
Vypsáno dne:12.05.2019