
Téma:Circulation pump test-bench development
Vedoucí:Jiří Dostál
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:The task, in longer term, is to build a real testing device capable of measuring pump flow-head (QH) and flow-power (QP) characteristics.
Complete hydraulic characteristics measurement of a pump is necessary for building a reliable simulation model of the pump.
We have a pump and we need its characteristics.
Pokyny:These are the steps that needs to be caried out during the test bench development

1) propose a test bench composition capable of measuring three QH quadrants (Q-H+,Q+H+,Q+H-) and a QP characteristics of the given pump,
2) validate the proposed test-bench capabilities in Matlab Simscape environment,
3) select suitable real world sensing a actuating components,
4) propose an I/O connection with Matlab

If there is enough time, we will actually build the test-bench!
Best students might be offered summer scholarship for continuation on the project development.
Literatura:Will be provided.
Realizace:Test-bench schematics, Simscape simulation files, HW selection
Vypsáno dne:05.02.2015
Max. počet studentů:3
Přihlášení studenti:

Upozornění: toto je závazné přihlášení. Zrušit ho může pouze vedoucí práce