
Téma:Control of Smart Microgrid Systems
Vedoucí:Jan Zábojník
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Software for microgrid control.
Aim of this project is design and development of application for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
This application will be used to control power consumption and generation of a small microgrid system (e.g. water park or shopping mall with cogeneration units, university with PV and W power plants,…) with respect to weather forecast, operation schedule and ancillary services demand.
Pokyny:The students are expected to cooperate with their contractor and attend on regular meetings (approx. 1/week).
Suggested roles: team leader + tester, 1 software analyst, 2-3 programmers
Literatura:Will be provided
Realizace:SW project
Vypsáno dne:12.02.2016
Max. počet studentů:5
Přihlášení studenti:

Upozornění: toto je závazné přihlášení. Zrušit ho může pouze vedoucí práce