
Téma:Cheap device for production of prototypes of printed circuit boards and MEMS
Vedoucí:Jiří Zemánek
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Create a cheap device allowing maskless lithography - device capable of generating an UV image (pattern) that would expose a photoresist. This way it would be possible to produce prototypes of PCBs quite easily even without mask. Moreover, such device could be also used for manufacturing of simple MEMS devices such as micro electrode arrays. The device can be based on DMD (digital micro-mirror device) that is commonly used in beamers or on a projection unit from a laser printer (see for example: The project requires both hardware and software oriented enthusiasts.
Vypsáno dne:16.02.2015
Max. počet studentů:4
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