
Téma:Software development for short-term prediction of solar irradiance
Vedoucí:Pavel Mlejnek
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Meet the principles of short-term forecasts (nowcasting) of solar irradiance by processing images of the sky. Create suitable software for basic analysis based on chronological images in Matlab. Use the following pre-processed data and measurement of the solar irradiance at the site UCEEB to obtain short-term forecasts of solar irradiance. Determine the accuracy of this forecast, depending on the time horizon of the forecast.
Literatura:*Staněk K. Fotovoltaika pro budovy. Praha: Grada, 2012. *Gonzalez R. C., Woods R. E., Eddins S. L.: Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Gatesmark Publishing, 2009 *Rojas R., Zaldivar D.: Computer Vision Using MatLAB and the Toolbox of Image Processing, Freie Univ., Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005 *Paulescu M.,Paulescu E.,Gravila P.,Badescu V.: Weather Modeling and Forecasting of PV Systems Operation, Springer-Verlag London 2013
Realizace:kód v Matlabu
Vypsáno dne:01.02.2017
Max. počet studentů:4
Přihlášení studenti:

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