
Téma:Acoustic Signal Detection System
Vedoucí:Jakub Svatoš
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Implement an acoustic pulse event detection system, including sending an event time stamp to the remote server (e.g. via LoRa network). Demonstrate the function of the unit by experiment and verify the timing accuracy.
Pokyny:* Study possible detection algorithm for triggering of acoustic pulse signals
* Implement an acoustic pulse event system (including microphone, microprocessor, GPS, transmitter)
* Send a time stamp to remote server
Literatura:* Felipe Núñez, Yongqiang Wang, David Grasing, Sachi Desai, George Cakiades, Francis J. Doyle, Pulse-coupled time synchronization for distributed acoustic event detection using wireless sensor networks, In Control Engineering Practice, Volume 60, 2017, Pages 106-117, ISSN 0967-0661, * Tuomas Virtanen, Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, Mark D. Plumbley, Peter Foster, Emmanouil Benetos, and Mathieu Lagrange. (Eds.) Proceedings of the detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events 2016 workshop (DCASE2016). 2016. ISBN: 978-952-15-3807-0
Realizace:Acoustic Signal Detection System Module
Vypsáno dne:05.02.2018
Max. počet studentů:3
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