
Téma:Collaborative robot as a caricaturist
Vedoucí:Pavel Burget
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:Collaborative robotics opens new areas of application especially when there is a need of close cooperation with humans. It also opens new possibilities how to bring industrial robots closer to people and how to advertise the field in public. The last year experience, robotic bar, has shown that such applications are very attractive. The first version of the robotic bar, which was developed within the Team work in 2017, was a big attraction at the festive opening of the CIIRC building in May 2017.
In this project we are going to use KUKA LBR iiwa collaborative robot to build a caricaturist. Upon a camera scan of the face the picture will be processed using an existing face recognition framework and the picture to be drawn will be computed. An important aspect is the utilization of the robot's torque sensors at each joint and thus its ability to perform its movements in a very sensitive way.

This project is intended as a proof of concept and we do not expect a fully finalized solutions. However, it is expected to solve the major tasks such as face recognition and processing, drawing movements of the robots, utilization of various drawing tools (pencil, brush, …), design of the working place, etc. It may be useful to cooperate with an artist - such an activity is recommended but not necessary.

1. Study the existing frameworks for face recognition and subsequent picture processing.
2. Study the various drawing techniques and design a way how to perform them with a robot.
3. Group the techniques based on their difficulty and prepare the procedures how to implement some of them within this project.
4. Design the system architecture and the robotic working place.
5. Implement the functionality of the face recognition and image processing suitable for the drawing, tool changing, robotic drawing.
Pokyny:1. Study the existing frameworks for face recognition and subsequent picture processing.
2. Study the various drawing techniques and design a way how to perform them with a robot.
3. Group the techniques based on their difficulty and prepare the procedures how to implement some of them within this project.
4. Design the system architecture and the robotic working place.
5. Implement the functionality of the face recognition and image processing suitable for the drawing, tool changing, robotic drawing.
Realizace:C#, robotic programs (Java), system integration
Vypsáno dne:07.02.2018
Max. počet studentů:4
Přihlášení studenti:Filip Dvořák, Niveditha Poornachandra, Varun Burde

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