
Téma:Real-time estimation of motion states for trams
Vedoucí:Zdeněk Hurák
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:In this student (team) project you will explore the topic of real-time estimation of motion states (position and velocity) for trams based on fusion of some real-time measurements and data from a digital map. Although this project is motivated by our recently started industrial grant solved jointly with an industrial partner, we will proceed here in an independent way and rely only on off-the-shelf sensors such as MEMS accelerometers and GPS receivers. In contrast with the full industrial solution we will not rely on odometry (measuring the revolution of wheels). This can be anticipated to limit the achievable performance significantly, and yet we want to see how far we can go without relying on the odometry first. Later continuation and extension of this work within the industrial project can be considered.
Pokyny:Since the estimation must be conducted in real-time, a suitable computational unit needs to be selected first. Two candidates are proposed: a) a reasonably modern smartphone, b) some popular prototyping single-board computer such as Raspberry Pi 3 augmented with some sensoric breakout boards. One or both can be chosen as both have some advantages and disadvantages.

The ambitious goal (inherited from the industrial grant) is to augment the onboard motion state estimation with an intervehicle wireless communication with the ultimate motivation to devise a communication-based collision avoidance system. Hence the communication among two or three units is the functionality that might be implemented within the student project as well, if affordable (possibly Wifi AP).

The design of the estimation algorithm(s) such as extended/particle/unscented Kalman filter should be done in some higher level environment such as Matlab/Simulink or Python or Julia, therefore the skill of generating the real-time code for the chosen target platform will have to be mastered. OpenStreetMaps should be used as the digital map input.

The outcome of the project should be some demonstration experiment conducted onboard the tram(s).
Literatura:[1] O. Heirich, A. Lehner, P. Robertson, a T. Strang, „Measurement and analysis of train motion and railway track characteristics with inertial sensors", in 2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2011, s. 1995–2000. [2] M. Malvezzi et al., „Train Position and Speed Estimation by Integration of Odometers and IMUs", in 9th World Congress on Railway Research, Lille, 2011.
Vypsáno dne:10.02.2018
Max. počet studentů:4
Přihlášení studenti:David Šibrava, Loi Do, Šimon Wernisch, Vít Obrusník