
Téma:Simulator of wireless tire-pressure sensor
Vedoucí:Michal Sojka
Vypsáno jako:Práce v týmu a její organizace
Popis:The goal of this project is to reverse engineer communication protocol between wireless tire-pressure sensors, that will be mandatory for all future cars, and to make a prototype simulator of those sensors. This project is done in cooperation with Skoda Auto.
Pokyny:1. Make yourself familiar with wireless tire-pressure sensors that are mandatory for all future cars.
2. Use software defined radio (SDR) tools to reverse engineer the communication protocol between the sensor and the control unit (this part is almost finished, only few missing pieces are needed).
3. Propose a hardware SDR platform for simulating the sensors and their communication.
4. Use the selected SDR platform to implement the sensor simulator.
Literatura:Will be submitted by project supervisor.
Realizace:Software (perhaps C/C++) and documentation.
Vypsáno dne:19.02.2019
Max. počet studentů:3
Přihlášení studenti:Eliška Dvořáková, Lukáš Bauer, Martin Pešek