
Diploma thesis:Diaphragm Postural Function Analysis using Magnetic Resonance ( PDF )
Author:Vostatek Pavel
Supervisor:doc. Ing. Daniel Novák Ph.D.
Abstract:We present postural analysis of diaphragm function using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The main aim of the current study is to identify changes of diaphragm motion and shape. 16 healthy subjects are compared to 17 subjects suffering from chronic pain and having structural spine findings. Two sets of features are calculated from MRI recordings: i) dynamic parameters reflecting diaphragm action and ii) static parameters. Statistical analysis show that diaphragm respiratory and postural changes are significantly slower, bigger in size and better balanced in control group. Furthermore, a classification analysis between subject with and without chronic pain was carried out yielding sensitivity 0.97, specificity 1.0 and classification error 0.014 using normal densities based linear classifier.
Submited:May 2010
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