
Bachelor thesis:Practical Application of AI Methods in RTS Games ( PDF )
Author:Chvátal Viktor
Supervisor:Mgr. Branislav Bošanský
Abstract:Real-time strategy(RTS) games are a growing part of video games industry. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods used in commercial games are made to entertain the user, but they are usually not able to solve other problems that are similar to problems in RTS. This work analyzes goals common to most real-time strategy games and studies AI methods for solving problems like path finding and decision making. After that, it presents the Open Real-Time Strategy (ORTS) environment which is used for development of new AI methods and is also used in competitions to compare the developed algorithms. An integration layer simplifying the access to the ORTS client code was developed and a simple AI player for the ORTS strategic combat scenario was made. The player was compared to two other AI players able to solve the scenario.
Submited:May 2010
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