
Diploma thesis:Evolutionary Design of Robot Motion Patterns ( PDF )
Author:Černý Jan
Supervisor:Ing. Jiří Kubalík Ph.D.
Abstract:This thesis is focused on the use and implementation of Genetic Programming for generating viable motion patterns for robotic creatures. SYMBRION and REPLICATOR are two European projects whose research is focused on application of biological knowledge in robotics. One of the robots developed as a part of these projects is used in this work as a building block for two larger four legged robotic organisms. A co-evolution algorithm has been developed to generate single leg movements and adapt them to the three remaining legs. This approach of dividing the problem into two smaller sub-problems simplifies the evolution and saves the processing time. It is shown that the implemented Evolution Algorithm is indeed capable of generating motion patterns for robots very similar to those seen in nature and that by using them the robots are able to efficiently reach their predefined targets. All the experiments are conducted in a simulated environment.
Submited:May 2012
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