
Bachelor thesis:Usability of General Game Players as AI libraries in practical applications ( PDF )
Author:Musil Ondřej
Supervisor:Mgr. Viliam Lisý, MSc.
Abstract:The goal of General Game Playing (GGP) is to create intelligent agents that are able to learn and solve different problems at an expert level without any human intervention. In this thesis, I will discuss the basis for the use of such agents, and knowledge required for writing problems in description language (GDL). I will show short examples of games in GDL and GDL-II. I will also summarize result of competition organized under AAAI’s summer conference and introduce some existing players. We will try how general player handles a practical problem and how it stand up against domain specific player, that can be implemented in the time comparable to the time needed for integration of the general player. We will discuss advantages and disadvantages of application of these agents in practical application such at Pursuit-evasion game.
Submited:May 2012
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