
Diploma thesis:Qualitative Reasoning for Robotic Topological Map Building ( PDF )
Author:Vaňo Maroš
Supervisor:Ing. Karel Košnar Ph.D.
Abstract:This thesis deals with problem of topological mapping of an unknown environment using a mobile robot. Everything the robot has are only odometry data and data from laser range-finder available. During the mapping process robot searches the most significant places in the environment which are then used for building of hypotheses. Hypothesis represents an estimate of the actual environment state in the form of bidirectional graph. The longer the robot passes the environment, the more false hypotheses is removed. The environment is traversed until all significant places are visited. At the end of mapping process the robot has at least one valid hypothesis corresponding to the shape of the environment available. In the thesis are introduced theoretical fundamentals of method of generating hypotheses. These methods are then implemented and tested on various environments using various planners. Finally, achieved results are documented and evaluated.
Submited:May 2013
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