
Diploma thesis:Distributed Database for Mobile Devices ( PDF )
Author:Burian Vladimír
Supervisor:Ing. Tomáš Bařina
Abstract:The goal of this thesis is to investigate possibilities to replicate data between columnar NoSQL database used as a central storage in an IaaS infrastructure and arbitrary number of Android mobile devices with relational databases. Proposed system is multi-tenant. NoSQL DB serves as a storage for arbitrary number of client databases. And proposed system allows their efficient replication/sharing among arbitrary number of devices. It could be seen as a service synchronizing user data between different devices or as a service providing synchronized database for collaborative work of multiple users. The thesis discusses NoSQL DB Cassandra as it was used to develop the system, characteristics of the system as a whole and methods to efficiently synchronize database changes and meaningfully resolve collisions. Emphasis in placed on a system performance and resistance to failures, especially those caused by an unreliable mobile device connection. Both the server and the client is implemented and their basic principles are described in detail.
Submited:May 2013
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