
Bachelor thesis:Cluster Analysis for Panel Data of Import and Export in EU Countries ( PDF )
Author:Horák Karel
Supervisor:Radomír Černoch, MSc.
Abstract:A lot of knowledge about the real world could be discovered from the time series. This work describes some of the problems one may encounter while dealing with time series and some solutions are proposed. The problem of time series lag is analyzed in detail. The goal of this thesis is to find clusters of economics with respect to their trade relationship with Germany. The time series in the dataset describe the German export and import to and from individual countries on a yearly basis. The similarity in shape of these time series is used to decide about the similarity of the economics described by them. Multiple algorithms are suggested to deal with this task — the chosen algorithms tend to be simple and straightforward which allows economists to find a reasonable interpretation of the results without the need to understand any underlying magic.
Submited:May 2013
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