
Bachelor thesis:Agent-Based Public Transport Network Analysis ( PDF )
Author:Nykl Jan
Supervisor:Mgr. Jan Hrnčíř
Abstract:The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is a fast and exact analysis of public transport netowrks. The analysis is computed based on travel demand, which may be generated by the agents. The metrics that can be measured on the public transport network and easily comparable, are described in this work. A journey planner with a speed up using patterns was developed, so that the analysis is fast enough. This journey planner is also described in detail in the thesis. At the end, we performed three example tests on the public transport network in Budapest, Rennes and Quebec. The aim of these tests was to simulate the run of our product in real use as much as possible. The journey planner was tested as well, the results of this test are also presented in this paper.
Submited:May 2013
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