
Diploma thesis:Evaluation of Safety and Security Properties of Automotive Motor Control Software ( PDF )
Author:Kreč Michal
Supervisor:Ing. Michal Sojka Ph.D.
Abstract:In automotive domain, it is paramount to ensure safety, and lately also security, of developed products. So far safety and security are handled separately. In this work we deal with safety and security testing and validation of control software in the AUTOSAR architecture and try to show that the separation of those two issues is not necessary. We do that by developing software-in-the-loop and hardware-inthe-loop testbeds and showing that they can be used for both safety and security testing. We use a SW module for control of electromotors, that is currently under development by In neon Technologies, as an example of tested product and execute number of tests to verify correct functionality of implemented safety measures. The results show, that apart from few minor problems, the safety measures function correctly.
Submited:May 2014
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