
Diploma thesis:A geometric approach to exploration of an unknown 3D environment ( PDF )
Author:Mosinger Jiří
Supervisor:RNDr. Miroslav Kulich Ph.D.
Abstract:This thesis deals with an exploration of an unknown 3D environment by a mobile robot. The robot continuously explores its surroundings and it creates a map of the explored environment based on received information. This problem is traditionally solved in 2-dimensional environment by using an occupancy grid while more novel approach is based on polygonal domain. This work takes the latter option and modifies it for 3D environment by using polyhedral domain. This approach brings advantages along with some caveats. Typical applications of exploration are military or rescue operations. The main goal of this thesis is to develop a framework in ROS that provides means of exploring 3D environment based on polyhedral domain. Obtained results are discussed at the end of this paper.
Submited:May 2014
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