
Diploma thesis:Control and Stabilization of an Unmanned Helicopter Following a Dynamic Trajectory ( PDF )
Author:Endrych Václav
Supervisor:doc. Ing. Martin Saska Dr. rer. nat.
Abstract:This thesis is concerned with design of a position control system for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). In the introduction, state of the art is briefly summarized and the architecture of MAV platform used in this thesis is described. The result of this thesis is a functional position control system that improves properties of stabilization compared to the system that was previously used for MAV stabilization. The design process of the new system is described as well as the implementation of more advanced features as autonomous takeo ff and landing and autonomous trajectory following. The system was validated both by simulations using the identified model of MAV's dynamics and by a series of experiments with a real MAV swarm.
Submited:May 2014
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