
Bachelor thesis:Intelligent Algorithms for Monitoring of the Environment Around Oil Pipe Systems Using Unmanned Aerial Systems ( PDF )
Author:Ondráček Jakub
Supervisor:Ing. Ondřej Vaněk
Abstract:Effective monitoring of oil pipeline systems is an important task due to a very high environmental cost of an undetected oil spill. For this task, we focus on the utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and we formalize the problem of optimal pipeline monitoring with multiple mobile agents as a mathematical program which captures properties of the problem, including environmental sensitivity, pipeline properties and motion constraints of the UAVs. We design three algorithmic extensions that push inherent scalability limits of this problem. We also extend the problem of area surveillance by problem of optimal bases placement. Finally, we show that even with limited scalability, we are able to find optimal solutions for realword sized problems and show a promising way to approximately solve larger scenarios.
Submited:May 2014
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