
Diploma thesis:Video Based Human-Computer Interface ( PDF )
Author:Zich, Lukas
Supervisor:Ing. Martin Urban Ph.D.
Abstract:Video-based interfaces facilitate human-computer interaction for people unable to use common input devices like keyboard or mouse, e.g. due to a handicap or when the computer is physically separated from the user (behind a glass, positioned too high). The thesis describes the FCE system which behaves as a head-controled mouse. Head movements are observed by a common low-cost web camera. Face features are detected efficiently and tracked robustly, i.e. in a manner that is insensitive to failure of certain detectors or trackers.. Location of tracked points are mapped to cursor position. In tests, the proposed FCE system was evaluated by users as the most efficient and user-friendly system of all single web camera systems available on the WWW.
Submited:Sep 2009
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