
Bachelor thesis:Autonomous flipper control for a tracked robot using 2D vertical laser scan ( PDF )
Author:Sedláček Filip
Supervisor:Prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda Ph.D.
Abstract:This work describes a Robot Operating System (ROS) module for automatic flipper adaptation during obstacle traversal with the tracked NIFTi robot. This module is intended to relieve the robot operator from the difficult task of remotely controlling all four flippers by adjusting the flippers automatically. The operator may decide to switch on the automatic mode part of the time for example during a staircase traversal. The algorithm does not model the terrain explicitly. It measures the terrain profile by a vertically positioned 2D laser scanner mounted on the front of the robot. The main goal is to achieve the flippers touch the ground in order to maintain robot's stability. The proposed algorithm has been successfully tested on traversing staircases, curbs, rails and various other obstacles of different shapes.
Submited:May 2012
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