
Diploma thesis:Using Databases for Description Logics ( PDF )
Author:Šmíd Marek
Supervisor:Ing. Petr Křemen Ph.D.
Abstract:This thesis compares different relational schemes and implementations of tools for the DL-Lite language, which is suitable for formal representation of large data, making it useful for such distributed environment like the Internet, and it shows the usefulness of the language by its application in a real-life problem. The key property of the DL-Lite language is that for storing large amounts of data can be used the well-established relational databases, and it also allows to answer queries reformulated into SQL directly in the databases. The reasons why the language is better than relational databases themselves is that it provides higher expressivity, while still having tractable reasoning. The important task is to evaluate the query answering performance for data written in this language with respect to different relational schemes. For this purpose we made use of existing DL-Lite reasoner prototypes (Owlgres, QuOnto). Two testing datasets were used (UOB, DBpedia) to accomplish this. The most interesting factor differentiating the implementations (according to the performance) is the data representation model in database, which can be characterised by its relational scheme. One of the implementations (Owlgres) was for this reason extended with two additional relational models. The results clearly show advantages and disadvantages of the models and the implementations. The last objective is to apply the DL-Lite language in a real-life application, within European project NetCarity, which attempts to make life of elderly people on their own more secure. The language is used to represent information regarding sensors (their properties and relations between them) and to store the measured data in a structured way. This allows for complex queries and analyses of the measured data.
Submited:May 2009
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