
Diploma thesis:Visibility of Triangulated Surface Illuminated by Flat Light Panel ( PDF )
Author:Koucký Lukáš
Supervisor:Ing. Vladimír Smutný Ph.D.
Abstract:Algorithm proposed in this thesis is designed for visibility determining of triangulated glossy surface illuminated by flat light source. Algorithm is able to recognize parts of examine surface visible by camera and refine triangulation. This process does not change dimensions of examine surface because refine triangulation lies in original one making it more detailed and more precise from camera perspective. Algorithm compute parts of surface illuminated by light source reflecting light to the camera. Output of the algorithm is labelled triangulation unlike traditional algorithms where the output is raster visibility image. Algorithm was tested on 3D models with triangulated surface with various camera and light source positions and properties which proves algorithms correctness.
Submited:May 2014
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