
Diploma thesis:PDA home-care support ( PDF )
Author:Doležel Jiří
Supervisor:Ing. Jaromír Doležal PhD.
Abstract:The thesis is focused on project of a pilot study, which is implementing services supporting work of care professionals in the area of home care and running on PDA device. This work is part of K4CARE EU project, which is focused to develop system for home care support, using mobile electronics devices, like PDA. Patients are receiving various services, for example nurse visits, physicians or social workers. The issue might be the flow of information among them, which involves patient's health status, prescribed examinations and its changes. K4CARE is web based platform, which integrates patient's health record, planned visit and services, which can be accessed with web browsers or with PDA, or mobile devices generally, connected to the Internet.
Submited:Jun 2009
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