
Diploma thesis:Entropy Estimation Methods Comparison for Image Registration ( PDF )
Author:Svoboda Jiří
Supervisor:prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Kybic
Abstract:Image registration is an important field of computer vision. In the last decade, methods using mutual information between registrered images as their similarity criterion have been gaining popularity. The aim of this work is to evaluate statistical properties and speed of certain entropy and mutual information estimator implementations on data of various dimensionalities and probability distributions. Among the estimators evaluated are: the histogram estimator, in its classical form and with enhancements such as histogram smoothing and adaptive binning, entropy and mutual information estimator based on kernel density estimation and a nearest-neighbor based estimator and its faster modifications replacing nearest-neighbors with approximate nearest-neighbors. Also, we assess statistical properties of an Renyi entropy estimator based on the length of a minimum spanning tree spanning the samples.
Submited:May 2007
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