
Bachelor thesis:Optimization Using Neural Gas ( PDF )
Author:Tomáško Pavel
Supervisor:Ing. Petr Pošík Ph.D.
Abstract:Continuous global blackbox optimization is one of the important problems in today’s science and engineering routine. Although there exist many algorithms, which are able to solve the problem, all of them is applicable only on relatively constrained class of optimized functions. The present tendency is to look for the algorithm, which could solve larger class of problems - preferably larger, than all other algorithms - and which would work for all funcions in this class with acceptable power. I am focusing on not yet well-explored way of the optimization in this work. The Neural Gas - despite it falls into another algorithm class - looks like to be acceptable for being used as a global optimizer after some changes thanks to its properties. After a brief introduction, I present two ways of how the Neural Gas can be used for optimization, found in the literature. Next I try to reproduce the authors’ reached results, which they present in their articles. In the last part of the work I compare the algorithms with each other to see which is better and their advantages and disadvantages. During the work the becomes obvious, that the authors of both articles evidently did some mistakes during writing them, because not even one of the algorithms works as it should. This made me often deep in thought about trustfulness of technical articles. Nevertheless the Neural Gas showed that can be quite good, compared with other algorithms, in the future.
Submited:Jul 2009
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