Podrobnosti studentského projektu

Téma:Thickness measurement from ultrasound RF images
Katedra:Katedra kybernetiky
Vedoucí:prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Kybic
Vypsáno jako:Diplomová práce, Bakalářská práce, Semestrální projekt
Popis:For applications such as arteriosclerosis detection, it is interesting to estimate thickness of layers in the blood vessel walls. However, the limited spatial resolution from a standard B-mode image does not allow sufficient accuracy. Processing directly the raw RF signal should enable a better accuracy. This work is a combination of practical experiments with a portable ultrasound machine and implementation of signal processing algorithms.
Literatura:Shung, Smith, Tsui: Principles of Medical Imaging. Academic Press, 1992.
Angelsen. Ultrasound Imaging. Emantec, 2000
Za obsah zodpovídá: Petr Pošík