Team of dr. Saska mapped the St Nicholas Church on the Old Town Square using drones

A group of Multi-robot systems led by dr. Martin Saska was asked to help creating unique shots of the religious object the St Nicholas Church on the Old Town Square. The team managed to record views at hardly accessible places of the historical interior on the 22 Sept, 2016. The event was reported by Česká …read more

KESW 2016: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web

CTU FEE was hosting the sixth year of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (KESW 2016, September 21st – 23rd). The conference was organized by Department of Cybernetics, Knowledge-based and Software Systems group, as well as the ITMO University (Russia).

KESW 2016: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (21st – 23rd September, 2016)

CTU FEE was hosting the sixth year of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (KESW 2016). The conference was organized by Department of Cybernetics, Knowledge-based and Software Systems group, as well as the ITMO University (Russia).

Jan Hlúbik defended his Ph.D. thesis

Jan Hlúbik successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Bioimpedance measurement of specific body resistance (supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Lenka Lhotská). Congratulations!

Miroslav Blaško defended his Ph.D. thesis

Miroslav Blaško successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Template-based Ontology Evolution (supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk Kouba). Congratulations!

Vojtěch Vonásek defended his Ph.D. thesis

Vojtěch Vonásek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled A guided approach to sampling-based motion planning (supervisor: Ing. Libor Přeučil, CSc.). Congratulations!

Ing. Tomáš Báča – “How to take the drones down from the sky” (weekly Dotyk)

Our colleague, Ing. Tomáš Báča (Multi-robot Systems Group), has written the article (in Czech language) „How to take the drones down from the sky“ for online weekly Dotyk (16/2016). Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Jiří Wild defended his Ph.D. thesis

Jiří Wild successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Spike Sorting of Microelectrode Single-channel Recordings: Evaluation and Applications (supervisor: dr. Daniel Novák). Congratulations!

Our robots (MRS group) help map historical objects

Our robots (MRS group) help map historical objects
(More videos and articles about this topic you can find at the end of this website.) Shooting hard-to-reach areas of historic interiors – a task for members of our Multi-robot Systems Group. On February 26, scientists together with the staff of the National Heritage Institute in Olomouc, have successfully captured the interior of the Sternberg …read more

Our colleagues from MRS will participate in the international robotics contest in Abu Dhabi

Our colleagues from the group Multi-robot Systems and people from CRAS got a sponsorship to participate in the international robotics contest „Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge“, which will be organized by the University in Abu Dhabi in March 2017. More information (Czech only) you can find here. Congratulations and good luck!
Responsible person: Petra Rosická