Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos received the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 grant

 Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos received the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 grant
The “LUSt: Learning a Universal Similarity Function” project has been funded under Horizon Europe and will run for two years (2025-2026). This grant supports a postdoctoral fellowship at CTU in Prague with Giorgos Tolias as an advisor and a collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and assistant professor Pascal Mettes. The project’s objective is to perform research on similarity learning …read more

Patrik Vacek defended his Ph.D. thesis

Patrik Vacek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Improving 3D perception from Unlabeled Data  and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey

Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey
We are happy to announce that Miroslav Purkrábek and Jiří Matas won the award for the best poster at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition in Turkey. More information including link to the special website promoting their research is available at the Faculty website. Congratulations!

Viktor Walter defended his Ph.D. thesis

Viktor Walter successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Visual Relative Localization and Stabilization of Cooperating Unmanned Helicopters and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat. Congratulations!

Can we detect tooth decay with the help of AI?

Can we detect tooth decay with the help of AI?
Scientists from FEE CTU and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University have found a way to detect tooth decay more reliably with the help of artificial intelligence. The new research, published in the journal Clinical Oral Investigations, compared the performance of an automated caries detection method with that of seven dentists, three novices, …read more

Jan Pichl defended his Ph.D. thesis

Jan Pichl successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Natural Language Understanding in Open-Domain Dialogue Systems and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: Ing. Jiří Kubalík, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: Ing. Jan Šedivý, Csc. Congratulations!

Yash Patel is a winner of Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis

Yash Patel is a winner of Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis
Yash Patel was announced as a winner of the Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. for Thesis defended in 2023. The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics selects the best Ph.D. Thesis every year. The PhD thesis topic falls within the scope of ČSKI’s scientific activities (cybernetics, informatics, and related fields). Any Thesis defended in …read more

Barbora Rehák Bučková successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis

Barbora Rehák Bučková successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis Classification and Prediction of Interindividual Differences from Multimodel Neuroimaging Data and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the doctoral study program Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics. Supervisor:  Ing. Mgr. Jaroslav Hlinka, Ph.D. Congratulations!

(Česky) Katedra hledá administrativního pracovníka

Katedra kybernetiky FEL ČVUT hledá administrativního pracovníka:   Náplň práce: kompletní organizační zajištění tuzemských i zahraničních služebních cest organizační zajištění pobytu pro zahr. i tuzemské hosty katedry evidence majetku, agenda knihovny agenda nákupů – příprava objednávek, zajištění schválení, zajištění proplacení administrativní podpora pracovníků katedry, činnost sekretariátu organizační podpora akcí katedry komunikace s administrativou fakulty, práce s informačními systémy …read more

Vít Krátký successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis

Vít Krátký successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Cooperative Sensing by a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Environments with Obstacles and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the doctoral study program Computer Science. Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Štěpán, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat. Congratulations!
Responsible person: Petra Rosická