Assistant professor(s) in the field of informatics and robotics

CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Cybernetics, opens a call for up to 5 “Assistant Professor” positions (in Czech “odborný asistent”)

The Department of Cybernetics is an internationally renowned research and teaching unit with many collaborations in academia and industry. We are active in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, and biomedical engineering, with a focus on computer vision, machine perception, machine learning, pattern recognition, medical data processing, and autonomous and collaborative robotics. We are involved in many European projects and have been very successful in international competitions such as the DARPA SubTerranean and MBZ International robotics challenges. We have a number of wheeled, tracked, legged, humanoid, and flying robots, cameras and other sensors, including LIDARs, a motion capture system, and medical ultrasound.  We have access to a high-performance computational cluster with both CPU and GPUs. There is a highly dynamic research environment in Prague beyond our Department, as demonstrated for example by the Research Center for Informatics, the Roboprox project or the Prague AI initiative. Czech Technical University in Prague received the EU HR Award – a commitment to open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers and to equal opportunity policies. Prague is one of the most exciting and cosmopolitan European capitals. 

Assistant professors are expected to become Associate professors (habilitation) within 6 years. Associate professors have a tenured position with a permanent work contract, independent research agenda, funding, and research group.

Scope of Work:

  • research activities in the field of informatics and robotics, relevant to the Department, leading to scientific publications in top international journals and conferences
  • teaching, including student master’s and bachelor’s theses supervision, as well as supervising or co-supervising PhD students
  • participation in project proposal preparation and other funding activities

Essential qualifications and skills

  • PhD in computer science, machine learning, robotics, medical imaging or related fields
  • international research experience (postdoc stay)
  • good publication record
  • interest in teaching and working with students
  • good interpersonal and communication skills, good knowledge of English

Term of contract:   The initial contract is for 1-3 years , which is normally extended for up to 6 years, when the Assistant professor is expected to become an Associate professor.


The position will offer a competitive salary with respect to the cost of life in Prague.

Location:  Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague, Czech Republic.

Applications should be sent to Ing. Kateřina Dřímalová, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technicka 2, 166 27 Prague 6, Czech Republic – with the label “Job position tender – DO NOT OPEN”, or by email to including:

  • structured Curriculum Vitae, including an overview of professional experience
  • publication record
  • a selection of the three most important results with a detailed explanation of their impact

Applications are accepted until April 30, 2025.

Responsible person: Petra Rosická