Detail of the student project

Topic:Návrh terapeutické aplikace
Department: Analýza a interpretace biomedicínských dat
Supervisor:doc. Ing. Daniel Novák, Ph.D.
Announce as:Diplomová práce, Bakalářská práce, Semestrální projekt
Description:1) Seznamte se s terapeutickými aplikacemi pro řešení zejména úzkostých a depresivních obtíží
2) Navrhněte design a architekturu aplikace
3) Aplikaci naimplementujte a otestujte na 5 uživatelích
Bibliography:Collier, K. M., Coyne, S. M., Rasmussen, E. E., Hawkins, A. J., Padilla-Walker, L. M., Erickson, S. E., & Memmott-Elison, M. K. (2016). Does parental mediation of media influence child outcomes? A meta-analysis on media time, aggression, substance use, and sexual behavior. Developmental Psychology, 52(5), 798–812.

Coyne, S. M., Radesky, J., Collier, K. M., Gentile, D. A., Linder, J. R., Nathanson, A. I., Rasmussen, E. E., Reich, S. M., & Rogers, J. (2017). Parenting and Digital Media. Pediatrics, 140(Supplement 2), S112–S116.
Király, O., Bőthe, B., Ramos-Diaz, J., Rahimi-Movaghar, A.,

Lukavska, K., Hrabec, O., Miovsky, M., Billieux, J., Deleuze, J., Nuyens, F., Karila, L., Griffiths, M. D., Nagygyörgy, K., Urbán, R., Potenza, M. N., King, D. L., Rumpf, H.-J., Carragher, N., & Demetrovics, Z. (2019). Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10): Measurement invariance and cross-cultural validation across seven language-based samples. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 33(1), 91–103.

Liu, M., Wu, L., & Yao, S. (2016). Dose–response association of screen time-based sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents and depression: A meta-analysis of observational studies. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(20), 1252–1258.

Livingstone, S., & Helsper, E. J. (2008). Parental Mediation of Children’s Internet Use. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 52(4), 581–599.

Lukavska, K. (2011). Time Perspective as a Predictor of Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game Playing. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(1), 50–54.

Lukavská, K. (2018). The immediate and long-term effects of time perspective on Internet gaming disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1), 44–51.

Lukavská, K., Burda, V., Lukavský, J., Slussareff, M., & Gabrhelík, R. (2021). School-Based Prevention of Screen-Related Risk Behaviors during the Long-Term Distant Schooling Caused by COVID-19 Outbreak. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8561.

Lukavská, K., Vacek, J., & Gabhelík, R. (2020). The effects of parental control and warmth on problematic internet use in adolescents: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(3), 664–675.

Lukavská, K., Vacek, J., Hrabec, O., Božík, M., Slussareff, M., Píšová, M., Kocourek, D., Svobodová, L., & Gabrhelík, R. (2021). Measuring Parental Behavior towards Children’s Use of Media and Screen-Devices: The Development and Psychometrical Properties of a Media Parenting Scale for Parents of School-Aged Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9178.

Nielsen, P., Favez, N., Liddle, H., & Rigter, H. (2019). Linking parental mediation practices to adolescents’ problematic online screen use: A systematic literature review. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8(4), 649–663.

Radesky, J. S., Weeks, H. M., Ball, R., Schaller, A., Yeo, S., Durnez, J., Tamayo-Rios, M., Epstein, M., Kirkorian, H.,

Coyne, S., & Barr, R. (2020). Young Children’s Use of Smartphones and Tablets. Pediatrics, 146(1), e20193518.
Responsible person: Petr Pošík