FEL ČVUT presents Science fest

On 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-08 08:30:00 at Vítězné náměstí, Praha 6
Let me invite you to the ScienceFest (formerly Festival of Science), which
will be held in a contact form on Wednesday 8 September 2021 from 8.30 am to
6.30 pm on Vítězné náměstí (grassy area) in Prague's Dejvice. The event
intended for pupils of secondary and primary schools, but also for the public.
It is a joint project of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the City of
Prague, the Charles University, many other universities, institutes of the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Army of the Czech Republic, the
Prague Zoo, and other institutions.

The theme of this year's 9th edition is "Digital World". A rich interactive
program will be prepared for the participants of the event at the outdoor
stations, where science, technology, and humanities will be presented in a
popular way. There will also be science and technology demonstrations with
unusual experiments and experiments that those interested can try out for
themselves. Everything will take place under conditions of increased hygiene
in accordance with the current recommendations and emergency measures of the
Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

Our department will be presenting Dan Novak's MyDiabetic app in the Techzone.
Visitors will be able to measure their blood sugar levels at the booth and
experience what it's like to live with diabetes.

Za obsah zodpovídá: Petr Pošík